Cheat: Dev Cheats
Bring DOWN the console and enter “sv_cheats 1”.
* cl_drawhud: removed
* Wire frame models: mat_wireframe1
* Only objects effected by physics are wireframe: vcollide_wireframe 1
* Draw game triggers: showtriggers_toggle
* Draw normal maps: mat_normalmaps 1
* Draw surface materials: mat_normals 1
* Turn off bump mapping: mat_fastnobump 0
* impulse 200: removes weapon model from the screen
Cheat: Items
Enable cheats and use the “give” command.
* item_healthkit
* item_healthvial
* item_box_buckshot
* item_box_mrounds
* item_box_sniper_rounds
* item_box_srounds
* item_battery
* item_suit
* item_ml_grenade
* item_ar2_grenade
Cheat: Weapons
Enable cheats and use the “give” command.
* weapon_ar2
* weapon_bugbait
* weapon_cguard
* weapon_crowbar
* weapon_frag
* weapon_crossbow
* weapon_alyxgun
* weapon_physcannon
* weapon_physgun
* weapon_pistol
* weapon_rpg
* weapon_shotgun
* weapon_smg1
# Weapons names for the beta version of the game:
# weapon_hopwire
# weapon_iceaxe
# weapon_binoculars
# weapon_ml
# weapon_brickbat
# weapon_smg2
# weapon_stickylauncher
# weapon_stunstick
# weapon_thumper
# weapon_sniperrifle
# weapon_rollerwand
# weapon_slam
# weapon_hmg1
# weapon_cubemap
# weapon_gauss
# weapon_extinguisher
# weapon_flaregun
# weapon_ar1
# weapon_molotov
# weapon_manhack
# weapon_immolator
# weapon_irifle
Cheat: Load Maps
List the map by enabling cheats and type “maps”. Load a map by typing “map ”.
* d1_canals_01
* d1_canals_02
* d1_canals_end
* d1_tempanals_02
* d1_town_01
* d1_town_02
* d1_town_03
* d1_town_04
* d1_town_05
* d1_trainstation_01
* d1_trainstation_02
* d1_trainstation_03
* d1_trainstation_05
* d1_under_01
* d1_under_02
* d1_under_03
* d1_under_04
* d2_coast_01
* d2_coast_02
* d2_coast_03
* d2_coast_04
* d2_coast_04_dx60
* d2_coast_05
* d2_coast_06
* d2_coast_07
* d2_coast_08
* d2_prison_01
* d2_prison_02
* d2_prison_03
* d2_prison_04
* d2_prison_05
* d3_c17_03
* d3_c17_04
* d3_c17_05
* d3_c17_06a
* d3_c17_06b
* d3_c17_07
Cheat List
Bring DOWN the console and enter “sv_cheats 1”.
* No damage: god
* Never Die: buddha
* Infinite power for your suit: infinite_aux_power
* All weapons and ammo: impulse 101
* Kill all npc’s in the area: npc_kill
* Enemies don’t attack: notarget
* Walk through walls: noclip
* Spawn a scout car: ch_createjeep
* Spawn an airboat: ch_createairboat
* Spawn an airboat: impulse 83
* skulls: impulse 102
Cheat: Spawn a Cheap
To spawn a jeep hHit ~ and enter: Impulse 82
Cheat: Spawn a Cheap
To spawn a jeep hHit ~ and enter: Impulse 82
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