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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone PC Game Cheats

Various Cheats:
During gameplay, type any of the following "Codes":

HarryDebugModeOn = Debug Mode (All Levels) F7 to Clear
HarryGetsFullHealth = Full Health
HarrySuperJump = Super Jump
HarryNormalJump = Big Jump
HarryTriggerCheat - 15 beans
HarryKoresh - ???
HarrySuperKoresh - ???
HarryKorwalk - ???

How To Get Pass The Moving Potions Part:
To get pass the potion part where you see the stairs don't go down it stand facing the potion table while you are standing there do the super jump code

Broomstick Lessons:
If you can't get through the broomstick lesson, try going to the secret area. First, pick up a few rings. Then, go to the picture on the building (it looks kind of like a stained glass window-high up on building.) Get the beans and the card. Go to Madam Hooch and she'll tell you you're the first student that has found the secret area in a while.

How to beet the Devils Snare:
First, you have to put on the aiming mode(triangle). Next,you have to shoot all the tentacles that turn light green, then a large tentacle will grow out in the middle of the stump. Go to the exact right spot so the tentacle cantry to hurt you but it can't and after the first whip, shoot a charged knockback jynx and it will blink red once and keep doing this until it looks drousey,then use the Incendio spell and the gate will open and it will die.

Another Flying Lesson:
When you leave the building to go to herbology just behind the stairs Which Lead you outsite the castle there is a boy that say's quidich triles are on. Go behind him and there is a door go in there for flying lessons. You have the chance to earn three gold wing medals and you get 25 house points for passing. (First go bad and get a bronze, try again and get silver, then try again and get gold. If you do this for each three by the end you will have 225 house points. Also it is easier if you have the nimbus 2000 but you can do it with out it.)

Getting the feather:
To get the feather at Eylops owl emporium, pick up the the treats and throw them at the owl in the cemter. Time your throw carefully, because if you don't the other owls will eat the feed.

Fighting Malfoy:
When you are fighting Malfoy in the entrance hall stand far away and let him throw the crackers at you. Dodge them so that they fall on the ground. Pick them up and throw them at Malfoy quickly.

Gingotts Tip:
If you are on the the third level of collecting the scrolls at Gringotts and you are having problems make sure to get the first scroll first. If you do not, none of the other scrolls will appear.

Secret Balcony:
Its not exactly a code but a hint. When you enter the room where Nearly Headless Nick tells you how to move an extra large flipendo block leave it where it is and climb the stairs and run onto the block. From there go to the balcony across from it where, you will find a web there. Hit it with a flipendo and you will get 5 house points for gryfindor and a chocolate frog.

More secret passages:
There are secret passages out in the hogwarts grounds.The way into them looks like a discolored section of wall

Flying Lesson:
After you have completed Flying Lesson and attend a different class, go back to the Flying Lesson. Go in and then you will see what looks like glowing butterflies. Catch all of them and Madam Hooch will award Gyffindor 20 or 25 house points.

Bookcase Hint:
All the non climbable bookcases can be opened. Try it and find 11 of the 17 cards.

Easy way to learn spells:
To make the spells easy to learn u have to do the shape in one direction and then when u have gone one way go over the parts u have missed in the other direction.

You should get over the pass mark and get 25 points for griffyndor

Extra Beans:
To get some extra beans, on every armor statue(metal) try casting the flipendo spell on it. When you have done alohomora try casting that on most paintings. You can usually get around 5-6 extra beans quite frequently.

Beat Draco:
When you're fighting Draco Malfoy with the crackers don't bother throwing them back at him just go right up to him and then back off as soon as he's thrown a cracker. The cracker will then explode on him without even throwing it at him!

Extra house points:
After playing Quidditch against Hufflepuff, find Horklump patch and use your Wingardium Leviosa spell on each Horklump. Get all the beans from each and get lots of house points.

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