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Monday, November 9, 2009

Hidden and Dangerous PC Game Cheats

Cheat Mode:
To enable cheat mode in the American retail version, type "iwillcheat" or "iamcheater" while playing. A click will confirm the code.
Note: You may have to enter the code twice if you want it to work.

All Weapons and Items:
Enable cheat mode, then type "allloot".

Big Head Mode:
Enable Cheat Mode, then type "Funnyhead" in the cheat box.

Change Wardrobe:
Enable Cheat Mode, then type "Lauracroft" in the cheat box.

Complete Mission Instantly:
To instantly win the current mission, enable cheat mode then type "gamedone".

Display Player Coordinates:
To display your current position, enable cheat mode then type "playercoords".

Enable cheat mode, then type "cantdie" or "nohits" for invulnernability. Type it again to return to normal.

Lose Mission:
To instantly lose the current mission, enable cheat mode then type "gamefail".

Restore Health:
Enable cheat mode, then type "Goodhealth" and push ENTER.

Enable cheat mode (if you haven't already done so), then type "resurrect" to revive a fallen companion.
Note: Do NOT do this if you've drowned or the game may crash.

Slaughter Foes:
Enable cheat mode, then type "killthemall" and push ENTER.
WARNING! This will kill any hostages as well. Be careful!

Unlock Alll Doors:
To open all doors within a mission, enable cheat mode then type "openalldoor" and push ENTER.

View Ending Sequence:
To see the concluding CG scenes, enable cheat mode then type "showtheend" and push ENTER.

View Enemy Locations:
To view the enemy which is before you, enable cheat mode, then type "enemyf" to display the enemy in front of you, or "enemyb" to view enemies behind you.

Wire Frame Mode:
Enable cheat mode then type "debugdrawvolumes" or "debugdrawwire" to enable wire frame mode. Enter the code again to return to normal.

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