Codes in the code menu:
Saddly this code just crashes the game:
Does nothing:
Give Some
Once the value is set to one you have a infinite supply of ammo:
Same as the above, only this doesn't require you to reload.:
This will finish all objectives in the level for you, giving you a rating of Silent Assassin.:
Complete level
1, or 0. You will take no damage.:
God Mode
1, or 0. You can't be seen by actors in the level.:
Invisible Mode
Saddly this code also doesn't work.:
Show enemy vision
1 to display HUD, 0 to hide it.:
Show OSD
This will speed up the passage of time, the highest level is 10. 10 can cause some side effects.:
Time Multiplier
This will teleport agent 47 to certain points in the level:
This will teleport agent 47 to where ever the player crosshair is currently pointing, unless the point is blocked by terrain:
Beam here
This will change agent 47's clothing to one of the possible disguises in the level.:
Test Cloth
Instant Level Complete
After enabling the in-game cheat menu, press Shift-C at any time during the level to complete the mission with your current stats; using this code at the beginning of a level will net you a Silent Assassin rating.
Ingame cheat menu:
Edit hitmanbloodmoney.ini
add "EnableCheats" (without the quotes) at the end
Ingame press "C" to access the ingame cheat menu.
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