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Friday, November 20, 2009

Black and White 2 PC cheats

Infinite ore:
Go into C:Program FilesLionhead StudiosBlack & White 2DatalandscapeBW2
Open one of the Land[numer].BWE files with notepad. Scroll down until you see something like:
CREATE_ORE_LODE("912.90,514.99", "Ore Lode Normal", 2914, 1000, 0.000000)
Change normal to infinite, and repeat in every Land file. Changes won't take effect until you move to the next land, however.

Increase Impressiveness:
Go to your game folder and navigate to DataBalance. Find the file PlacementData.xml and open it in Wordpad. Find the third paragraph, which starts . Change the line to . Then open one of your saved games and place several villas. They will make your town massively impressive and you will win the land you are in. This will affect all saved games.

Afford anything:
This can be a complicated but nifty little trick that not everyone will know. This will NOT work on pre-saved games.
Go to the directory where you installed Black & White 2, and find the file "GameBalanceArtefact.txt" in dataBalance directory
copy the file to a safe location--you may need it later. once you have done this, open the file stored in the directory listed above. You will see the values for everything on the tribute menu. Look for something similar to this:
disregard the other numbers. change the value directly to the right of any artefact and you WILL change it's tribute cost in the game. Do not change it below 1000 because it may not work properly. You can do this with every one, but make sure to change the total cost at the end of the file to whatever it now ads up to.

Infinite Evil Points:
Take over a town anyway possible and remove all of the food and population. Now you should be getting evil points every few minutes due to the fact that you are not feeding the town, although nobody is living in it.

Norse mini-game:
On the fourth land, near the town you began, there is a path that goes down. There is a man in a cave here. Throw him away as far as you can. The further you throw him, the more tribure you will get. Set new records to get more tribute each time. This is NOT a quest and doesn't show up anywhere.

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