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Friday, November 20, 2009

Black and White PC cheats

Funny Trick:
Here's an interesting thing, during the tutorial, when you conscience aren't talking, move your mouse in circles alot and the evil conscience will start spinning his head. ;)

Funny Names:
Find the file names.txt in the game's directory and edit it with a text editor like notepad to make any names you want.

Unlimited Food and Wood:
When having activated a wood or food miracle,
hold the Hand over the door of the village store . ( Not in the middle of it !! )

Then press the action button ( right mouse button ) very quick repeatedly over the Village stores door.

You get an insane amount of wood or food
( 20.000 )for very low mana costs.

Same thing with the workshop. click repeatedly over the door and you get very much wood.

With this you wont have any probs managing your villages.

Unlimited Food and Wood:
The unlimited Wood trick also works to supply new buildings, especially the big "Wonders". Right after you set the scaffolds down, invoke miracle wood,zoom in to get a clear view, hover your hand over one corner of the scaffold,(not what will be the door when finished), then use the mega wood trick. You may have to try once or twice to get the right position on the scaffold, but your minion won't use up all the wood you just put in the village store and shop, and you can continue to build like a crazy person, (or your minion can)......Kewl?

April Fools Trick:
During the game on april 1st (April Fools Day - You can change your computer's date to April 1st) your monster will leave smiley face foot prints in the groung instead of their regular foot prints. Enjoy.

White Mushrooms:
I'm not sure about the other types of mushrooms but the small white ones slightly increase the growth of your creature. Keep an eye out for them!

Control Time:
You can slow, or speed-up time in Black & White when you are in the game by simply; Holding down ALT and pressing 1(Slows time), Holding ALT and pressing 2(Speeds-up time). This comes in handy when youre in a jam, or if you need something built really fast! -Enjoy :D

Creature Happiness:
An easy way to make your creature happy is to go to the creature cave (hit f5) then give him/her a tatoo. if the creature likes the tatoo(s) he/she will smile or even grin. also when punishing you creature ( giving him/her a slap or two... or three) make sure it isn't next to anything or it could crash into it and hurt/destroy it.

Easy Prayer Power:
Whenever you hear the game whisper 'death,' immediately press 's' to find the dead person in your village(s)(the dead person's label will be in white type). You can pick up the skeleton and drop it in the bowl at your worship site for an easy 5000 or so prayer power. The bonus is that the game doesn't count it as a sacrifice. You have more time to find the body if you haven't yet built a graveyard, and it's a good way to get your villagers back to work, as they stop mourning once you pick up the skeleton.

Poisoned Food:
If you pick up a mushroom any type will do, and place either using your creature or your hand and drop it in the food store of any village the food will turn green. Then when the food is eaten by the village with poisoned the poisoned food thier people will start coughing and will become green and this will kill everyone in thier village and you will get belive if you save them.

Slow time and fast time:
message: In the game press Alt+1 to slow down time and press ALT+2 TO SPEED it up.

Change Your Creatures' Body:
In the Black and White directory, there is a map that's called Data, open it and search for the map Ctr.
Here are all the body's for your creature.
Just change the name of the file of your creature (if you have the tiger then it's btiger.CBN)into the name of the creature you want (like brhino.CBN) and you will get the rhino, also he will know all the things you learned your other creature!

Singing Stones:
Well, it took me forever, but I finally did it. I figured out the tune to the Singing Stones on the second island. The key to this puzzle is to find two pipers walking around the island. Since there are 2 tunes you have to play, each piper is singing a different tune. One piper sings the tune that must be played during the day time and the other sings the tune that is played at night. Lets just number the stones left to right, 1-9. The day tune is 1 1 8 8 9 9 8 6 6 5 5 3 3 1
After you play that tune, it instantly becomes night. Then you play this tune.
4 4 4 4 7 6 6 4 4 3 4
If you have entered the tune correctly, the stones will create a ring of magic around them. When a dead body is placed inside the ring, he/she is brought back to life. But it only works temporary. Soon, the ring of magic will disappear and you'll have to re-enter the tune for it to work again.

Change Your Creature's Look:
Tired of having a dumb looking creature. Want a nice creature with a mean look? Or do you want a evil creature with a nice look to trick your enemy? Look no further! Follow these steps, and you will the creature of your dreams!

1. Go to your Black and White Folder. Click on the Folder "Data", and then the folder "CreatureMesh".

2. You will see files such as "CowGood", "CowEvil, "CowStrong", and ect. Make a backup copy of both alignment files of YOUR creature.

3. Now rename one of the files to the other (rename the evil file to good if you want a good creature with an evil look, or rename the good file to evil if you want an evil creature with good look).

4. Now move the "new" file over to the CreatureMesh and overide the current file.

5. Start up your game and you should have your brand new creature! Not only that but, he'll still act like whatever you want him too, and he will not have forgotten anything you had previously taught it.

Get Beliefs on Land 3:
When on land 3, the one where the bad guy has your creature, press 's' and find a guy called Actor (name will be white. He will be at the base of a cliff near your startign village. He will make threats and say how you cant hurt him. Pick him up and throw him at a village that you want to capture. The camera will follow him and once he lands, you are free to move your hand, even if you are out of your influence. Cast miracles, throw rocks, do whatever for beliefs. This trick gets you into their village without wastign the prayer power to actually move their, and it seems also to give you extra time.

3rd level:
This is just a quick way to end the third level! First find the guy at the base of a small cliff near your village. He will be sitting next to a small camp fire, saying things like "you cant harm me." You can play with him for a while by throwing him around. Once you get the hang of following him, you will notice that as long as your around him you have a area of influence around him, so you are free to cast spells or what ever. Through him for a while until you reach the enemies temple, once you have him at the temple drop him in the sacrificing bowl (as if you were going to sacrifice him). He will stay there and you can trash his temple by dropping rocks or casting spells. Once he doesn't control the villages by his temple, you can go around and impress the others.

Land 4 Totem Trick:
To finish the Undead Village you must raise the Totems. You can't impress the village with any tricks you normally use. You must place a village center next to each Totem. To do so you must move the village center repeatedly to the Totems by places them then picking it up and so on until you reach the Totems. To raise them you have to interact with it and pull them up. They will lower every time you let go of them. In order to raise both Totems at once (which you need to do!!) you must have your creature lift one at the same time as you do.

Cast spells out of your Power:
To cast spells out of your area of effect, create a town center scaffold and move it somewhere just out of your area. When it appears it will have a small area of effect by itself. Now pick the scaffold back up and move it somewhere close to the town center and put it back down. When you have it at the area you want to cast spells, cast a spell and move out of the are of effect. As you can go a short distance from it you can cast spells far out of your main area of effect. I am not sure if this works if you have downloaded a patch.

It’s very simple - and very useful in the later "islands"

I used it on island 3 and 5 with great success - the trick is best suited for villages already "owned" by other gods!

First you get your influence limit as close as possible to the vilage you want to take over.

Now the choices:
You poison their food - and when there is nobody left in the village, you drop a villager you have into it - as a "missionary"!

When that happens you just impress him a little and... you got a village! but only with one villager but that’s easily fixed.

Another way - building on the same concept - is to kill of the villager with lightning, fireballs or my favourite: THE MEGABLAST!

Then the same routine with a missionary…

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